Children's Ministry

The Children's Ministry at San Pedro Church of Christ are exploring the Bible on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening as we share God’s Word through foundational Bible lessons, singing, praying, Scripture memorization, hands-on Bible-related crafts and puppet skits.  They are shown how to apply the Word to their own lives on a daily basis and, in turn, form a personal relationship with God that will last a lifetime.  Age-appropriate Bible skills are tailored for each age for each Bible lesson.  We strive to train our students to love God, know Christ, understand His Word, grow in their own spiritual walk and be able to share the love of Christ with others.


Sunday morning Bible Classes

Cradle Roll (6 months through 24 months)

Ages 2-4

Kindergarten-1st Grade

2nd-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade


Sunday morning Bible Hour (During scheduled worship period) is offered for age 2 through kindergarten.


Wednesday evening Bible Study Classes

Cradle Roll (6 months through 24 months)

Ages 2-4

Kindergarten-2nd Grade

3rd-5th Grade